Consulting Services
Deliver your projects with the Authentic Co-design team
With over 60 years of combined experience in leadership, co-design, and engagement practices, the Authentic Co-design team is the perfect partner to support you to deliver complex projects with communities.
Talk to us about a tailored approach to suit your needs.
See below for some examples of projects we've worked on, or contact us today to discuss your needs.

Here's a few projects we've worked on
Department of Agriculture and Fisheries – Building regional extension services capacity to collaborate
Facilitated workshops in seven locations and developed plan for ongoing capacity building, 2019-20
This project involved facilitating a two-day workshop with regional extension coordinators, assessing capability for extension services to collaborate/work better together, facilitating seven regional workshops, and preparing a report recommending ways to build on progress. The aim was to help extension services to work more effectively to gain the participation of farmers/producers in their programs to ultimately improve environmental impacts on the Great Barrier Reef. Max then worked with regional coordinators to provide support and advice as their collaboration plans were implemented.
Melbourne Water – Codesign/facilitation of deliberative processes
Vision and Values deliberative panel, Enhancing Dandenong Creek, Stony Creek Rehabilitation, Elster Creek
Designed and facilitated deliberative panels to inform Melbourne Water’s Price Submission (identify underpinning Vision and Values), develop a plan for enhancing Dandenong Creek, restore Stony Creek and develop a flood mitigation plan for Elster Creek.
EPA Codesign process - air-quality monitoring for Latrobe Valley
Codesigned air quality monitoring solution
Max Hardy and Anthony Boxshall guided and facilitated this process which involved building support for a co-design process, internally and externally. Three evening sessions were then facilitated which included community members, scientists and public servants. The recommendations were actively implemented by the EPA who allocated substantial funds for ongoing monitoring and communication related to air quality monitoring following the Hazelwood Mine fires.
QCOSS – State Conference, Movement for Change
Codesigned and facilitated the second day of this Conference in Brisbane, 2018, as an Associate of Collaboration for Impact.
This conference involved over 200 people, who came together to address growing concerns about attitudes toward marginalised members of the Queensland community, and ways to align efforts toward building more just and inclusive communities across the State.
Regional Development, Victoria – Regional Assembly for Ovens-Murray
Codesigned, and facilitated, Regional Assembly, Wodonga
National Disability DIA, Review of trial NDIS sites,
Process co-designer and lead facilitator
Co-design and facilitation of deliberative process to assess the performance of 7 NDIS trial sites across Australia. The process was held over 5 consecutive days and took 4 months to design.
Awarded IAP2 Health Project of the Year, National Project of the Year and International Project of the Year 2015